
1 & 2 Chronicles is unavailable, but you can change that!

Among early Christian and Jewish writers, the books of Chronicles were tacitly understood as authoritative historical works. But in the Septuagint and Vulgate, these works were named “things left out,” suggesting that 1 and 2 Chronicles had only supplementary status in the canon. Jones begins his guide with an introduction, then tackles the genealogies (1 Chronicles 1–9), the united monarchy (1...

material derived from an earlier source (vv. 6–10, 13). Another battle report, this time the one waged by Uzziah against the Philistines and the Ammonites (26:6–8), is characterized by its conciseness and the fact that it relates to one specific area to the south and southwest of the kingdom; most likely this is a correct report which has been derived from an available source. Finally, a short report in 27:5 tells us of Jotham’s war against the Ammonites and details the amount of tribute (although
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